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Civic Engagement Report June 2024 by Jeff Winbourne, Villamay Representative to the Mount Vernon Council of Citizens' Associations (MVCCA)

Mount Vernon Council of Citizens' Associations (MVCCA) Transportation Committee meeting June 10, 2024.

VDOT presentation on the status of the Richmond Highway Improvement Project

·      Purchasing of all properties along Richmond Highway for the Phase 1 and 2 Richmond Highway Improvement Project is underway.  The property purchases provide the Right of Way needed to widen the road

·      Phase 1 and 2 will widen the road to 8 lanes including turn lanes as well as 2 bus lanes.  Bike lanes and sideways

·      Utility and storm water planning is underway between VDOT and utilities.

·      The project will NOT underground any overhead wires: electric or cable.  Cost is the reason given.  The undergrounding will cost $24M

·      The project is a $464M project

·      Expected to complete Richmond Highway construction in 2028.  Bus lanes construction will finish in 2030

US Park Police and Parkway

·      USPP is discussing using speed cameras on Parkway to mitigate speeding

Southside 495 Toll Lanes Briefing and Request from Coalition for Smart Growth

·      Will send a form letter to each neighborhood association in MVCCA to oppose the creation of the toll lanes on the Capital Beltway from Springfield to Maryland side of Wilson Bridge

·      VDOT is planning a September meeting to brief public

VDOT Update on Fort Hunt Rd/Rollins Drive/Westgrove Boulevard

·      Virtual meeting for VDOT to present its design recommendations for improving safety at this intersection at 7PM on July 10

·      The virtual meeting is available at

·      Virtual Design Public Hearing comment deadline is Aug. 7, 2024

MVCCA Meeting on June 24, 2024

This meeting focused on elections of new Co-Chairs for the MVCCA.

·      Judy Harbek was elected to the 2 year Co-Chair Position

·      Scott Taylor was elected to the 3 year Co-Chair Position

Education Committee reported that FCPS will change Middle School assignments as part of the re-bordering program.

Fairfax Federation of Citizens Associations representative reported that the Federation is recommending to FCPS a new policy regarding student access to cell phones during school hours.  The Federation supports a “pilot program to store cellphones “away for the day” in lockers or pouches in both middle and high schools. We believe FCPS’ current policy distinction between middle schools and high schools is unwise, and thus urge you to test a full “away for the day” policy in high schools.”

Transportation Committee reported on a VDOT briefing on the Route One upgrade.  VDOT stated that the upgrades to Route One will finish in 2028.  Although the Bus Rapid Transit or BRT element will not complete until 2030.  Each of these projects will more than likely impact our community with increased traffic on Fort Hunt Road and access to shopping and other services on Route One.

Southside Toll Lane project.  Dan Storck announced that the Southside Toll Lane project will be postponed until 2025.  VDOT will conduct two new studies during the next year.  The topics are not finalized.

Announcement from Dan Storck’s Office on Staff change.  Diego Rodriguez will assume Peyton Smith’s role within the office.  Peyton will take Nick Rinehart’s responsibilities.  Nick is moving is leaving the office.

Resolutions.  The Board passed the following resolutions:

Data Centers.  MVCCA requests that the County add to its building requirements for new Data Center buildings.  The issues MVCCA wants added are additional electricity volume use; noise limits and use of renewable energy.

Storm Water Management.  In order to fix storm water problems in the County according to various studies, $600M is required.  Currently the County has budgeted $91M.  MVCCA requests additional funding be allocated to this issue.

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