One of the most important ways you can support your neighborhood is by joining the Villamay Community Association (VCA) or renewing your membership.
Here are just some of the services and activities provided by the VCA and its legion of volunteers:
Community Directory - print and online versions (available to VCA Members Only)
Stewardship, advocacy, maintenance, and improvements to Gil McCutcheon Park
Advocacy on local community issues of importance to Villamay
Neighborhood events including Labor Day, 4th of July, and Halloween parties, Easter Egg Hunt, Winter Soiree, Summer Happy Hours, and more
Street Sign maintenance, repair, and replacement
Neighborhood Entry Sign maintenance
Curb house number painting (available to VCA Members only)
Villamay.org website and email news management
Holiday decorations
Volunteers provide countless hours of community support, but funds are required to support these services.
Please note:
The membership year runs from June 1 through May 31 of the following year.
Annual dues are $55 per household, per year.
If you renew your dues and have already paid for the current year, your membership will be extended.
A small fee is added to credit card payments. To avoid the fee, please pay via ACH Bank Transfer, or deliver your dues via check made out to Villamay Community Association and deliver to Matt Weber, 7205 Park Terrace Drive, Alexandria, VA 22307. ​​