Gilbert S. McCutcheon Park
Previously, the Lamond Property
History of the Lamond Property/Gilbert S. McCutcheon Park
For over 60 years, the Slater Lamond Family owned the 18-acre property located at the southern end of Villamay, building their home in 1939 and occupying the house until 1986. In 1998, Harris Development company notified Villamay (VM) residents that they had entered into a preliminary agreement with the Lamond family to clear-cut the trees and excavate the land with the intent to build 32 large homes on the site. A single access point was to be via a spur cut in from Burtonwood Drive. Responding to community concerns, Mt. Vernon Supervisor Gerry Hyland, called a public meeting on 18 August 1998. Over 250 Mt. Vernon area residents attended. During the meeting, Gerry appointed Eleanor Quigley of Wellington Heights as Chair of a Lamond Small Task Force and VM resident Steve Markle as Vice-Chair. The group was charged “To oversee construction plans as they are submitted for review in order to hold ‘developer’s feet to the fire.’” In August 1999 Supervisor Hyland established the Lamond Community Task Force to develop a land use plan for the property, should it be acquired as parkland. In conjunction with county representatives, a core team of Villamay Community Association (VCA) members, neighbors from surrounding communities, business, and athletic interests, crafted the master development plan. Ultimately benefitting from the successful passage of a bond referendum, the county acquired the property in February 2000 from the Lamond family for approximately $4.6M, designating the resource as a Community Park. In May 2012 it was renamed Gil McCutcheon Park in honor of an ardent supporter and long serving member of the FCPA. VCA neighbors serving on the Lamond Small Task Force and the Lamond Community Task Force included: Helen Caplinger, Betty Fees, Patricia Markle, George Pratt, Lee Williams and Sam Wood.

Steve Markle Receives The Elly Doyle Park Service Award
On August 17, 2022, the Fairfax County Park Authority Board announced that Villamay resident Stephen Markle was one of two recipients of the Elly Doyle Park Service Award for 2022. Stephen is an Invasive Management Area (IMA) Volunteer Site Leader and a Park Volunteer Team Leader. He has volunteered his time to Gil McCutcheon Park in Alexandria, Virginia, since 1998, helping protect and preserve this 18-acre park for over 24 years. As an IMA site leader, he has organized over 137 workdays and contributed approximately 2,276 hours to the restoration and maintenance of the park. He has spent countless hours repairing trails and working with volunteers to ensure safe use of trails.
Steve's efforts to protect McCutcheon Park predate its renaming from Lamond Park. Markle served as Vice Chair of the Lamond Community Task Force to develop a land use plan for the property. He wrote Mastenbrook grants and fundraised to develop a park playground. He coordinated workdays, signed Adopt-A-Park agreements, and he continues to lead volunteer work. He coordinated efforts with neighbors that back up to the parkland, finding an agreement to remove bamboo. Overall, he has done whatever it takes to make this a special place, logging a total of 7,816.5 hours of volunteer service over the years.
Villamay Community Association Wins the 2017 Elly Doyle Park Service Award

More Park History
Click on the links below for more park history
The Complete History of the Lamond Property/Gilbert S. McCutcheon Park
Congressional Record 115th Congress 2017 Elly Doyle Park Service Awards
Press clippings:
Mount Vernon Gazette, August 13, 1998 (Lamond Property: Save our Green Space)
Mount Vernon Gazette, August 27, 1998 (Lamond Development Protested)
Mount Vernon Gazette, February 3, 2000 (Lamond Purchase Probably, Says Hyland)
Mount Vernon Gazette, February 10, 2000 (Park Authority Buys Lamond Property)
Mount Vernon Gazette Editorial, February 10, 2000 (Another View of Lamond Park)
Mount Vernon Gazette, February 17, 2000 (Lamond Tract Now County Park)
Mount Vernon Gazette, July 6, 2000 (Volunteers Clean Up Lamond Property)
Mount Vernon Voice, Sam Markle Hornaday Project, January 1, 2014
Mt Vernon Gazette Daniel Wozniak Eagle Project August 17, 2017
Learn about invasive plants
© 2019 by Villamay Community Association | Paintings courtesy of Betsy Grady