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One of the most important ways you can support your neighborhood is by joining the Villamay Community Association or renewing your membership.


Here are just some of the services and activities your dues support:

Community Directory * Newsletter * Website * Neighborhood Beautification & Entry Sign Maintenance * Holiday Decorations * Sign & Curb Painting  * Labor Day Party * Halloween Party * Easter Egg Hunt * 4th of July Parade * Winter Soiree & more!


Volunteers provide countless hours of community support by serving on the board, hosting events, assembling and printing the Villamay Directory, attending Mount Vernon community meetings, decorating for the holidays, and even hiding Easter eggs for the kids to find. But we can't maintain these activities without the funds to support them.


Please note:

  • The membership year runs from June 1 through May 31 of the following year.

  • Annual dues are $55 per household, per year. 

  • If you renew your dues and have already paid for the current year, your membership will be extended for the time purchased (one or two years).

  • To offset the cost of processing dues payments online, a small fee has been added. If you'd like to avoid this processing fee, please deliver your dues via check made out to Villamay Community Association and deliver to Jenn Goode, Treasurer, 1103 Villamay Blvd., Alexandria, VA 22307. 

Join or Renew Your Association Membership Today!
Step 1: Please complete the information below, then choose a payment option below.
Would you like to be included in the Villamay Directory?
Thank you! Please complete your dues payment below.
Step 2: Choose a membership and complete your payment.

Two Year Membership
Open your phone's camera and scan the QR code or click here to pay.

QR two years.png
One Year Membership
Open your phone's camera and scan the QR code or click here to pay.
QR one year.png
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